cover reveal,

Cover reveal: Carnival of Jane Harvey-Berrick (StandaloneTraveling series)

novembre 27, 2017 Licio 0 Comments


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Empty inside, cold in his heart, Zef turned to whisky and drugs to fill the void.

Instead, he ended up with a prison sentence and a new determination to get clean and make something of his life.

Since his release, Zef has been on the road, finding his spiritual home with a traveling carnival and working as a motorcycle stunt rider. 

Live fast, live hard, keep moving.

He doesn’t want to be tied down to anyone or anything. Fiercely loyal, the only people he cares about are his brother and his carnie family. 

Until a crazy girl who’s run away to join the circus crashes into his world.
But now his old life is catching up with him, and Zef has to choose a new road.

A standalone story, and the last one in the TRAVELING SERIES.

Traduzione trama by Claudia:

Vuoto dentro, freddo nel cuore, Zef si dava al whisky e alle droghe per riempire il vuoto. 
Poi, uscito da prigione ha una nuova determinazione per ripulire la sua vita e farne qualcosa. 
Dal suo rilascio, Zef vive per strada cercando la sua casa spirituale in un viaggio variopinto e lavorando come stuntman in motocicletta. 
Vive veloce, vive forte e continua a muoversi. 
Lui non vuole essere legato a niente e a nessuno. Fortemente leale, le sole persone che ama sono suo fratello e la famiglia di carnie. 
Fino a quando una pazza ragazza che è scappata per unirsi al circo entra violentemente nel suo mondo.
Ma adesso la sua vecchia vita lo sta raggiungendo e Zef deve scegliere un’altra strada. 
Una storia standalone, ultima della travelling series.

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Writing is my passion and my obsession. I write every day and I love it. My head is full of stories and characters. I'll never keep up with all my ideas!

I live in a small village by the ocean and walk my little dog, Pip, every day. It’s on those beachside walks that I have all my best ideas.

Writing has become a way of life – and one that I love to share.

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